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Lead Pastor Search

Located on the westside of Kokomo, Indiana, Chapel Hill Christian Church has been changing lives and impacting the local community through the hearts of our faithful believers who call Chapel Hill home for nearly 55 years. With an average attendance of 450 people, Chapel Hill has vibrant Children's and Student Ministries, engaging worship, life-changing Growth Groups and one of the best preschools in the area with nearly 160 students. After leading our church for 30 years, our current Senior Minister will be transitioning into a different ministry role here at the church and we are in search of the next pastor to lead our church.


If you would like to be considered for this position, use the button below to apply online, or send a filled-out application, Cover Letter and resume to:


We look forward to hearing from you!

About Us:

Our Mission: Chapel Hill is a church that exists to lead people to Christ and develop them to spiritual maturity.

Our Vision: Our vision is to develop relationships with families and to make disciples with an undeniable love for Jesus.

Our Desire: Above any other desire, we strive to be a resource to families while connecting them with the life-changing love of Jesus. We desire to partner with you and your family to show you the way to the most fulfilling life possible.

Our Core Values:


Becoming who God created us to be. 


Moving from me to we. 


Doing what God calls us to do.

Central Beliefs:

As a local body of Christ followers these are the central beliefs that unite us. We believe... 


The Trinity 

God eternally exists as three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The three distinct persons of the Trinity are all fully God; each of the persons has unique roles and characteristics, but together they are one God. ​ 


God the Father 

As Creator and Sustainer of all things, God is both sovereign and infinite, which means He has no limitations. God has revealed His power to everyone through creation. God the Father can be intimately known but because He is absolutely holy and perfect we can only have a right relationship with Him through Jesus Christ the Son. ​ 


Jesus Christ 

Jesus is the Son of God, who dwelt on earth, both fully God and fully human. He was born of a virgin, Mary, and conceived by the Holy Spirit. He lived a perfect and sinless life in order to be a holy and worthy sacrifice. He was tempted as we are tempted, He suffered as we have suffered, yet He never sinned. Jesus was betrayed, beaten, mocked, and crucified on the cross where He died. Jesus' life was not taken from Him by anyone; He gave it as a willing sacrifice for everyone. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead, conquering sin and death and showing His power over both. After He rose from the dead, He was on earth for 40 days before He ascended into Heaven and now acts as the only mediator between God and people. Jesus will return one day to rule and reign forever, judge the world, and take those who follow Him to live in the presence of God for eternity. ​ 


The Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit is promised to those who profess faith in Jesus; the Holy Spirit is the presence of God living inside each follower of Christ. The Holy Spirit directs believers back to the words of Jesus and helps us apply Christ's teaching to our lives. He empowers those who follow Jesus for different forms of ministry; He gives different spiritual gifts to followers of Jesus for the purpose of ministry. He empowers prayer. He gives strength and empowers followers of Jesus to overcome spiritual opposition. He sanctifies followers of Jesus. He convicts the world of sin. He guides. He gives assurance of salvation to followers of Jesus. ​


Man & Sin 

People were created in the very image and likeness of God for a loving relationship with Him. However, beginning with the first man and woman we have all rebelled against God. Each of us have individually rebelled against God through sin and therefore have separated ourselves from the glory of God; we are in need of redemption and restoration in order to return to a right relationship with God. This occurs through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. ​ 


Gospel of Salvation 

Salvation is a gift from God that can never be earned through good works, ritual, or self-improvement. Salvation is only given by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible speaks of salvation in the past, present, and future tense. When Scripture uses the past tense, it means you were saved from the eternal penalty of sin by faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When Scripture uses the present tense, it means you are still being saved from the power of sin through the work of the Holy Spirit. When Scripture uses the future tense, it means that one day you will be saved from the presence of sin when you experience the fullness of God’s presence forever in heaven. ​



The Bible is the authoritative and infallible Word of God; it is God’s revelation about Himself to man. It is historically accurate and internally consistent, telling one story of redemption pointing to Jesus Christ. The Bible is the living Word of God, applicable to all time, and is not only the measure and standard of truth, but truth itself. ​ 



The church is the universal community of all true followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible refers to the church as the body of Christ of which Jesus is the head, with the given mission to make disciples and spread the Gospel of Salvation. All true followers of Jesus should take an active part in the body of a local church to worship God, to receive spiritual teaching, to pray for and encourage one another, to make disciples of Jesus, to serve, and to be nurtured in order to grow to maturity in faith. ​ 


Baptism in the New Testament is performed only by immersion on those who understand their need for God’s grace through Christ. The Greek word for “baptism” means to plunge, dip, or immerse. Jesus modeled this form of baptism and also commanded his disciples to continue it at the Great Commission. Baptism by immersion represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and this signifies the death of our old self, being buried in the water, and the resurrection of our new self in Christ Jesus.The clear pattern in Acts is that a person be baptized as soon as they recognize their need for God’s grace through Christ. ​



Following the example of the early church, communion is to be observed by Christians as an ongoing sign of fellowship with Christ and His people as well as a symbolic reminder of what He accomplished through the cross. The bread represents Christ’s body and the cup represents His blood. Jesus commanded His disciples to regularly partake of the communion meal, so we do so on a weekly basis in our services as a response to the proclaimed word of God. When followers of Christ participate in communion together, it serves as an act and display of unity. ​ 



The Bible promises Jesus will one day return and at that time everyone will be judged. For those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation, meaning they will spend eternity with a resurrected body in the presence of God. This eternal life with God will take place in what Scripture calls the New Heaven and the New Earth. Those who reject Jesus will be separated from Him by their sin in a real place of eternal conscious punishment called Hell or “the second death.”

About the Lead Pastor Role:

  • The Lead Pastor is responsible for leading Chapel Hill Christian Church in the implementation of a Christ-centered mission and vision.

  • The Lead Pastor is the primary teacher/preacher of the church. 

  • The Lead Pastor works closely with the elders, staff, and leadership of Chapel Hill to implement strategic plans for the mission of the church, “Leading people to Christ and developing them to maturity.” 

  • The Lead Pastor sets the example for building relationships, working to spiritually strengthen members and attendees through preaching, teaching, vision-casting, prayer, and providing oversight as we seek to help move people toward a deeper relationship with Christ and one another.

Job Description:

He is to teach God’s Word: 

  • Preaching is his primary responsibility. He will be responsible for seeing that the preaching of the Word compels the unsaved to seek Christ, all while challenging and encouraging Christ followers. 

  • He will coordinate preaching schedules with other Pastors.


He will do the work of a Shepherd:

  • He will work with the elders to ensure shepherding takes place in the body at Chapel Hill.

  • He, along with the staff and elders, will assist in helping to meet the needs in this congregation.


He will prioritize community involvement:

  • He will proactively make connections with leaders and organizations in Kokomo and Howard County.

  • He will lead collaborative efforts to reach people for Christ while equipping people to share the Gospel.

  • He will represent Chapel Hill as the public representative.


He will provide counseling:

  • He will be available to assist those with personal challenges and seek solutions on their behalf.

  • He will build relationships with Godly counselors in the community that he can recommend when appropriate.

Qualifications and Experience:

  1. Biblically qualified in keeping with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.

  2. Holds a degree from a Christian College.

  3. Aligns with Restoration Movement Churches.

  4. Previous experience in Lead Pastor or Associate Pastor Role (or equivalent experience with leading a team of full-time staff).

  5. Experienced in expository Bible teaching.

  6. Success in providing cooperative oversight of ministries and proactively building relationships with those serving.

  7. The reputation of a strong and humble leader who can carry the mission and vision of Chapel Hill forward.


*Please let us know if you have questions on any of these.*


​Chapel Hill Christian Church is offering the following compensation package:

  • Salary: $70,000

  • Health Insurance

  • Dental Insurance

  • Vision Insurance

  • Cell Phone Package

  • Relocation assistance will be considered

If you would like to be considered for this position, use the button below to apply online or send a filled-out application, cover letter, and resume to

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